Moses did the Lord's will and the Lord invited him up to the Mount to receive commandments to give the nation and gave Moses a whole lot of things as well. He gave Moses the creation story; and how everything has gone up until Moses generation and even gave Moses how it will go past Moses generation. Is Moses the only one the Lord did this with? In that fashion, yes! But I would not be as brazen to say only Moses received this.
We must keep in mind that the Lord is a fair God. Do you believe He disinherited Cain without telling him he isn't to kill, steal, lie, and other commandments that permitted to them at that time? Do you think Cain's children knew the commandments? I'm sure they did. That is why the punishment was harsh. My point in this is that, when Israel the nation was commanded to take the land of Canaan, do you think God just decided go knock down these people, as if He were tired of looking at them? No!
God had been teaching them what is right and what is wrong. That is why the Pharaoh's were harshly upset at Abraham for saying that Sarah was his sister because then they would have committed adultery had they slept with her being she is already married. The Pharaoh was concerned about how much trouble would have come on him and his land for such an action.
Hammurabi's codes appear as documents that Moses copied word for word. Do you believe Hammurabi was a genius and came up with these by himself? As Jesus said they error in not knowing the scriptures nor the POWER of God; Abraham came back and was met by Melchizedek, who was priest of the Most High God. Do you think Melchizedek came by on other occasions and taught the descendants of Ham in the laws of God? Is that a possibility.
I presume, and this is just me, that He spoke to trusted and wise men in that day and gave them much knowledge. It may not have been Jesus (Melchizedek) Himself all the time, as Peter said be careful at times you are speaking with an angel that appears as a man and you'll never know it. The Canaanites were taught the ways of God. Hammurabi and wise men like him took heed; they probably read books by their progenitors like Enoch and had much wisdom so it can appear that Moses stole everything from Egypt (although Psalms said that Joseph taught the Egyptian senators wisdom).
Why am I going through all of this to show that God did not tell Israel to sack the seven nations of Canaan in vain. They sinned and had to be removed from the land and it just so happens that the Lord promised Abraham's descendants by way of Isaac, by way of Jacob, the land of Canaan. Then the bible begins to narrowly focus on the children of Israel. They sinned and were broken up as a nation into two houses, Samaria and Judah. They sinned more, and Samaria was taken out by Assyria and flooded into the land of Ham and Asia. I would not be surprised today if you find large groups of Israelites floating aimlessly loss on the continent of Africa and Asia. If you follow the world news quite a bit you would have heard of tribes of people like the Ethiopian Jews, Nigerian Jews, and even groups of people saying they are Israelites from Fuji, Philippines, and India all claiming with authenticity that they are lost children of Israel.
Judah was taken out after that and became slaves and captive to the Gentiles. To find them it is quite easy beside the physical differences, but all you would have to do is go into any Gentile (European) nation and look for the lowest people on the economic scale. The people most unjustly treated, the people who are the majority in the prisons even though they are the minority in population. All these are good signs because we read that the children of Israel were cursed and Daniel's 70 weeks shared and Jesus as well said the curse will continue until He returns.
After Judah and Samaria were thrown out the land for their sins; the Lord put punishments on all the surrounding nations who aided in their removal. These are primarily children of Ishmael and Edom who were chief among removing the children of Israel and are the chief quarrelers over the land of Israel today.
When Judah returned for the first coming of the Messiah, they thought it was at that time Israel would be restored; as we read them shouting Hosanna to the Highest; but quickly found out that it was not the time. Jesus the Messiah had to die first for the people then restore them. Jesus told them they would be again removed from the land and 30 or more years after His death and resurrection they were indeed surrounded by the Romans, the General Titus killed so many Jews that some history books reported up to 500 people a day were being crucified.
The rest were taken as slaves and distributed among the Gentile nations. From that period we have not heard much from the Jews or Israelites. They are lowly riding among other nations; some rise to high positions as Daniel did in his day; but never as a collective group, no, not until they collectively acknowledge their God and repent of their sins. John and many apostle's end the bible for us testifying even with their lives on the line that all in the scriptures are true, and also they were eye witnesses to the works and saying of Jesus Christ. They also prophesied of the future for us so that we know what's going on. If someone were ask you when and how Jesus will return you can tell them as it is common knowledge as the Pharisees told Herod of the birth of Christ because you can simply read it in this marvelous book we've read over the last 90 days!
Just as we can look into the sky and see a storm coming, we should be able to look at our days and generation and tell the Lord is coming or the Lord is not coming yet.
So I have found that the bible is a book for the world, it is a book for everyone because God is the God of all people; however, it focuses on one people and what God's recovery plan for one people will save the entire world. The bible is about Jesus, the Jews or Israelites, and Jerusalem (even New Jerusalem). It is about Jesus and His recovery mission for all humanity, it is about keeping the commandments of God and having the true testimony of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for journeying with me; there is a comment section in the blog, please leave comments or questions. Also, you'll notice I really did not leave detailed scriptures on the book of Genesis. This was purposely done because my friend has a FANTASTIC book coming soon called Genesis Exposed! This will be an Amazing book detailing the book of Genesis line upon line. The principles of anything are in the foundation and thus if we do not have a good grasp of the book of Genesis, the rest of the bible can be or become fuzzy to us. This book will expose it all, where ministers go wrong, where people are confused, and it will be a great exceptional and of course informative read! Keep an eye out for it as you will not want to be without it. It should be coming soon no later than October but hopefully before hand. Thank you and good bye.
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