Good morning to the is the 7th day of the week and I bid you a happy Sabbath.
Here we get the journeys of the children of Israel when they came out of Egypt the day after the passover (Numbers 33). They removed and pitch in a lot of places, particularly because of their evil report that they couldn't defeat the people in the land. Aaron died in the 40th year they were removed from Egypt, dying at 123 years of age.
The Lord told Moses to tell the people to destroy the people and everything they own as far as pictures, idols, etc, and divide the land. But if they don't destroy the people, they will be thorns in their sides and the Lord will do to them as He thought to do to the people of Canaan. I guess if you keep things around you must have liked it a bit; eventually you will take ownership of it. God knows His creation well.
Numbers 34 starts with Moses giving commandments of the borders of the land they are taking at the command of the Lord. Also the people should not forget to give the children of Levi cities and suburbs to deal with a total of 48 cities for the Levities. The Lord even set up a jail system; appointing cities of refuge if a man slays or kills someone on accident can go there to live because the family will attempt to kill that person. They had to stay there until the death of the current high priest.
In chapter 36 Moses answered the questions the people had regarding the daughters who wanted their inheritance since their father had no sons. Their tribe men were concerned that if the women went and married another tribe that the tribe's groom will seize their inheritance. So Moses commanded from the Lord that in this case the daughters should marry within the tribe so that it stays in the tribe of their father for ever.
We move into Deuteronomy now.
Moses addresses the people and gives recaps of what he has been teaching from the Lord since they left Egypt. It is the 40th year since they left Egypt; and Moses is telling of the downfall that caused them to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Because of murmuring they were not able to go directly into the land; but wandered in the wilderness a year for every day they murmured.
As they went through Mt. Seir; the Lord let Israel know He has not given them the land belonging to Esau; but to simply pass through and pay for everything you receive from them. The same instructions for the children of Moab, not to take their land, because the Lord gives every people their own land and inheritance and it is theirs. No one should take it.
The children of Israel, at the Lord's command, destroyed a lot of people, Bashan, Amorites, killing the men, women, and children. In Deuteronomy chapter 3 Moses asked one more time if he can go into the land but the Lord denied him and commanded he ask not again concerning that matter. That's like a kid who keeps bugging a parent about going to an amusement park and the parent says "no, and don't ask again."
In chapter 4 we hear that the Lord commands not to add to His words, nor subtract from His Words, but to keep it as is. The Lord also commands the children of Israel keep the laws, commandments, and statues of the Lord because this is their wisdom in the eyes of the Lord. So if the children of Israel do not keep the laws of the Lord; they have no wisdom in the eyes of the other nations. Moses gives the recount of when the Lord visited the entire nation on Mt. Sinai in which the people feared greatly.
Moses keeps reminding the people that the Lord was angry with him for the people's sake; and Moses tells to keep the commandments because the Lord is a consuming fire and full of jealousy. Moses prophesies that when the children corrupt themselves by not to keeping the commandments; the Lord will scatter them into all nations where they will serve other gods; but if you seek God, even during the tribulation in the latter days. Yes, Moses knew about the scattering of Israel and the great tribulation and the return of Israel.
The Lord God gave a lot of vision and understanding to Moses; this was truly a great prophet. 40Thou shalt keep therefore his statutes, and his commandments, which I command thee this day, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee, and that thou mayest prolong thy days upon the earth, which the LORD thy God giveth thee, for ever.
Prolong your days on the earth, which the Lord God gives you forever... no heaven!? Moses even knew the kingdom of God will be on the earth.
Deuteronomy chapter 5 is about the covenant God made with the people. This is an agreement; and God did not make this covenant with their fathers; but with the sons of Jacob. The covenant is the Royal Law, the Ten Commandments we already read and outlined in Exodus 20.
We also see why God does not appear in fire to people today or do any appearing; it is because Israel asked God to talk to them through a mediator and not directly because they feared they would die. Also because we are filthy with sins.
Chapter 6 tells that the Lord our God is One; that means even today we are not to serve Him in 2 different ways; and the children of Israel are to teach about the Lord to their children and to the strangers and love your brother as you love yourself and also 5And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. You are to teach your children all of this that the Lord has done so they know why you serve the Lord.
Chapter 7 tells of the instructions of destroying the 7 nations of the Canaanites. To destroy them utterly, and not to take their children as wives, because they will corrupt you. A weak person will succumb to a wife or husband ways. Moses reminds the people that God did not choose Israel because they were some great people; but rather to keep the covenant God made with Abraham. If Israel keeps the covenant with God; He will keep the covenant with them.
This chapter ends with the Lord warning the people to keep His commandments and to not be as the people of the land; and the children of Israel shall live well if they do all that the Lord commanded Moses to do. That ends day thirteen; see you tomorrow as we go further in Deuteronomy. Praise God.