Bible Food Daily Reading Day 62
Good morning, here we go again reading the word of God; and we are on day 62. Today we will begin in Ezekiel chapter 36.
This chapter begins with the Lord telling Ezekiel to prophesy to the children of Israel that although the heathen and Idumea have taken them from their land and made them a prey; the Lord is still for Israel. In the end, the Lord still plans on restoring this nation and having them back in their own land in righteousness (verse 1-10).
The Lord is going to multiply this nation and treat the children of Israel better than they were done by Him, in their beginning. Israel was treated very well in their beginnings; I can only imagine how it will be in the latter days?
God had to be extremely harsh on the people because the profaned His Holy name among the nations. God gave Jacob His name, Israel, and they wore it carelessly. When a man marries a wife or has kids and they have his name, they can't go out acting any kind of way.
President Obama's daughters and wife cannot be all loud mouthy and misbehaving anywhere they go; because the people will say, "did you see the Obama's… they were loud, crazy, throwing fits, stealing, cheating, and doing what ever. Barack must be dead or he doesn't care. If they can act like that in the highest office, we can do that too and more."
Now you have President Barack Obama's name tarnished because of his foolish wife and daughters. This is what happened with the children of Israel. They are wearing God's name Israel and behaved ridiculously, profaning the name; and they had to be punished to be corrected. And when they do correct themselves the nations will be happy to be around them. Just like women smile and are happy to say they are dating a Rockefeller, or a Kennedy; they will be smiling when they say they are dating an Israelite.
So the Lord makes it clear that He is not recovering Israel because He feels bad for them or because the nations treated them so ill. He is solely doing this for His Holy name. For the sake of His Holy name is He recovering His people (verse 23).
Then the Lord will bring the children of Israel back to their land and sprinkle them with clean water. That is the clean water Word of God. With this every child of Israel will be satisfied and taken cared of by their God.
Ezekiel chapter 37
This is a popular chapter about Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones the Lord showed him. The Lord showed Ezekiel a valley full of bones and they were very dry, meaning these bones had been dead for a while. The Lord asked Ezekiel if these bones can live.
Ezekiel is probably thinking, "You're the immortal one, you know, not me." Ezekiel was commanded to prophesy to these bones and tell them to hear the word of God. If the bones heard the word of God, then they would get breath from God, ligaments, skin, and flesh and they will live. For the Lord to ask this, these bones must not be physically dead; but spiritually dead.
So when Ezekiel did as he was commanded and got some small results; the bones came together to form a full skeleton. Before there were arms lying here, ribs there, legs, etc. But after he spoke to them, the full skeleton form came together. Then the ligaments and flesh and skin covered the bones, but still no breath.
This means they were still dead. After all his prophesying, the people get excited and appear to come back to life, but they still do their own ways. Love the Lord with their mouth, but their ways are still far from him; thus they are still spiritually dead.
With this, the Lord then commands Ezekiel to prophesy to the winds, the four winds, to come and blow breath on these bones so that they can live. People think this is a ceiling fan; it is not. After the wind blew on these bones, breath came into them, and they lived standing up to be a great army. These bones are the entire house of Israel (verse 11).
The Lord is opening their graves and will soon bring them back to their land. What graves are these? These are the graves of the spiritually dead. The Lord had Ezekiel bind 3 sticks together to make one. One stick was the house of Joseph (Ephraim his firstborn who's the birthright is), the house of Judah (where the kingship will be), and the house of Israel (ten tribes). They will all be one tribe, have one nation, one king, and one God, the Lord God of Israel.
King David will be king over the entire nation. Jesus will be king of kings, however David will be king over the nation Israel, this means he will have been resurrected from the dead physically. Everyone will know that the Lord set Israel apart when they see His sanctuary there forever in Jerusalem.
Ezekiel 38
In chapter 38, Ezekiel is sent to speak against Gog and Magog. Magog is certainly a son of Japheth, who is the progenitor of the Gentiles. We do not know who Gog and Magog are as of yet; but we will read the scriptures and allow it to tell us who they are.
Verse three tells us that God is against them, Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. Meshech is a Hebrew translation of Moscow (Scofield Reference Bible's claim that "Meshech" is a Hebrew form of Moscow, and that "Tubal" represents the Siberian capital Tobols).
Now the Lord is going to put hooks in their jaw and lead them forth to a battle with a great army of men from different countries allied with them, the Gog and Magog, and tells them to be prepared (v4-7). In the last days they will come into the land, "that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel..."
Gog and Magog will be brought to Jerusalem, the place where the people will be brought back out of all the nations they were in and the people will dwell safely when they return. The people are the children of Israel, so that let's us know that the land that Gog is coming against to fight with this great company of people is Jerusalem (v8).
They are going to come down on the land like a storm, with a great number of people. Now Gog is known to do this on two separate occasions and many ministers and prophecy teachers have confusion on this. This is because this chapter is speaking of the latter days as in the day of rest, when the Lord Jesus is on the earth ruling for a thousand years, the reason why I can say this is because of verse ten through twelve. Gog is going t think an evil thought to come down on the land (Jerusalem) not walled (no army defense) and to a people who dwell safely and are at rest. The Jewish people today are not dwelling safely and are certainly not at rest.
Furthermore, the children of Israel are not back in the land all together, because then David and Jesus would be there are we read earlier, so Gog cannot come against Israel as presented in this chapter because it would go against everything that we've read in the Bible thus far. Thus this is speaking of in the last days of Jesus 1,000 year reign on the earth.
Gog and Magog and many nations with them will come up on a peace Israel and think to take the land, and the Lord in great fury will take all of them down one final time (just before the 7th day ends), and all people will know God when He will set Himself apart in all eyes.
Ezekiel 39
So many of Gog will fall at this time that the Lord calls the place, The valley of Hamongog. Seven months will the children of Israel bury and cleanse the valley and burn all the weapons of Gog. The Lord also told the birds and beast to come and eat and drink blood. With this great defeat over Gog will the children of Israel and all nations know that God put His people into captivity to punish them for their iniquity but has always wanted them in the land to dwell peacefully. All people will know this for sure with no conflict and no problem.
Ezekiel 40
We see a whole lot of building and measuring but we don't know what they are building until we get down to verse 45 and see a chamber that faces the south being for the priests, who are the keepers of the charge of the house. So now we know this is the construction of the fourth temple, the actual temple that will be standing for a thousand years during the reign of King Jesus.
This temple will be made by immortals, resurrected and or changed men and women who are appointed by God to build the temple. If you put it side by side the sanctuary's that Moses and Solomon built in their time; you will see great similarities.
Ezekiel 41
Here we are still getting more descriptions of the temple and how it will look and be constructed. If you remember Solomon's temple, he had the cherub angels in there next to a palm tree, cherub, palm tree all aligned in the temple wall. We have the same thing here. Solomon's temple was a prototype of this temple. The cherubs will be fixed with only two faces, although we know they actually have four in reality, the face of a man facing one palm tree, and the face of a lion facing the other (v18-20).
Ezekiel 42
The angel told Ezekiel that the north and south chambers that are for the priest are a separate place and are holy chambers because they will be approaching the Lord there and there will they eat the most holy things sacrificed unto the Lord (verse 13).
Ezekiel 43
And the glory of the Lord filled this temple, the house of the Lord we have been reading about. That let's us know that the Lord will be in this His temple live and direct, in person, dwelling on the earth in Jerusalem.
For verification of this, Ezekiel even heard the Lord say to him in the vision, that the place of His throne and the place of the soles of His feet, where He will dwell in the middle of the children of Israel for ever is right there in this temple, which is in Jerusalem (v6-7). One thing we see in the reconstruction of the temple and the reinstitution of the priest, is that Levi is back to minister unto the Lord, and animal sacrifice is put back on the table; at that time.
Ezekiel chapter 44
The Lord further spoke to Ezekiel and told him to tell the house of Israel to stop with their abominations especially when it comes to this temple. In times past they brought strangers (non physical children of Israel) into the temple, strangers who were uncircumcised in the mind and in the flesh, polluting it.
The children of Israel did not keep charge of the Lord's things. So the Lord let's it be known that when this new temple is up and running, NO STRANGER, that is uncircumcised in the flesh or in their mind will step foot into the Lord's sanctuary. Because many non Israelites will live in Jerusalem among the children of Israel as it was when they left out of Egypt, a mixed multitude; but non that are uncircumcised will come near the temple.
If they cannot do it then in the future; then do you not think it is time now to get circumcised in the mind and in the flesh. Men should be circumcised both in the flesh and mind and women should be circumcised in the mind and they should make sure their sons are circumcised at birth on the eighth day.
Many old rules that are called to be "done away with" are making their way back into the picture here in this prophetic vision of Ezekiel. Things like priest should not shave their heads, nor grow locks to long. They should not drink wine while in the inner court; they should not take wives who are widows or divorced; but should have only virgins who are physical children of Israel or a widow who was married to a priest before.
These priest will teach God's people the difference between the holy and profane, the clean and unclean. In Jesus kingdom, His priest will teach you that a pig and rabbit are unclean, and that a deer and grasshopper is okay to eat. They will teach the laws, judgments, statues, and keep holy the Lord's Sabbaths.
Ezekiel 45
Here is the dividing of the land to the children of Israel; the Lord makes it clear to the princes of Israel; stop the violence and the stealing, use good judgment and execute justice. The Lord is not having all that violence in His city and in His sanctuary. Leave it at the door people or you will be left there, and the door is the wilderness where He purged out the rebels (v8-9).
We are still observing and keeping the Lord's passover and the feast of Unleavened bread for seven days. Also in the seventh month on the fifteenth day keep that feast as well. We read them earlier in the book of Leviticus chapter 23. We might as well start now and get to practicing because this will all be reconstituted in the day of the Lord.
Ezekiel 46
It says the people will be able to worship at the gates before the Lord on the Sabbaths and new moons. Sabbaths AND new moons; it does not say that every new moon is a Sabbath (v3)!
Ezekiel 47
The waters were issued out to heal. All living things that this water runs over will be healed.
And the river on each side will grow trees that are good for meat, the leaves on these trees will not fade away and the fruit on it will never be consumed, every month it's fruit will be new and the leaf is also for medicine. Pharmaceutical companies will be wiped out of business with this one. This is exciting stuff we are reading here.
Lastly, Israel is to divide the land according to their tribes; also they are to give inheritance to the strangers that live among them. If a German or South African wants to live with the tribe of Gad, the Gadites have to give the stranger inheritance in the land.
This concludes our reading on the Sabbath day; I had to post it today because a storm the previous night knocked out my Internet service. Grace and peace; and I will see you for our 63rd day.
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